The 2017 NBA Draft lottery takes place on May 16. Today, we will examine if the lottery is rigged and any evidence we can find that supports that claim.
The 2017 NBA Draft is an important one for the Sacramento Kings. The Kings have two potential top ten selections after the decision to trade DeMarcus Cousins and rebuild the franchise netted them the New Orleans Pelicans’ first-round pick. Things need to break right on May 16 in the NBA Draft lottery to make sure that happens, though.
At approximately 8 pm Eastern or 5 pm Pacific, if you prefer on May 16, ESPN will televise the draft lottery. Today, we examine if the draft lottery is rigged by looking at any evidence we have to support that theory.
MUST READ: NBA Draft Lottery rules and ramifications on the Sacramento Kings
You hear the conspiracy theorists every year at about this time detailing about the lottery is a hoax, and of course, the Los Angeles Lakers will keep their pick this season because it is rigged. I am sure you have at least one friend who is always talking about this stuff, but do they have a point? Could the lottery be fixed? I searched for evidence and here is what I found: