Over the past 10 years, the Sacramento Kings has greatly confused Kings fans. From making questionable draft picks, to going through coaches like a hungry person goes through a Chinese buffet, the Kings has managed to befuddle us in every turn. But some tweets last night from a sports blogger got me a little incest.
I would like for you all to meet Eric Rosenthal, the founder of Hound Sports, and he had some not so pleasant tweets for our Kings. Check out some of his greatest hits from last night:
I'd bet an average 7th grader is better at math than Ty Corbin
— Eric Rosenthal (@ericsports) January 14, 2015
I'd bet any amount of money that Ty Corbin doesn't have an IQ above average
— Eric Rosenthal (@ericsports) January 14, 2015
Now, I will give him credit for calling out the Kings on Tyrone Corbin, as I myself has greatly criticized his coaching. But the following tweet was what spurred me to write this column:
DeMarcus Cousins should immediately demand a trade from the Kings. Pathetic organization.
— Eric Rosenthal (@ericsports) January 14, 2015
What?! Hey, listen buddy! The Kings may be a confusing organization, but they are by no means a pathetic organization. The Kings have had their ups and downs over the years, just like any team in the NBA.

Sir Charles In Charge
The Lakers are certainly in a down phase, and the Celtics, which I see you are a fan of, will not be good for at least the next three years. So please spare me the jokes on Sacramento. We have a new owner, and we are going through an influx right now. A 10 year influx, but an influx nevertheless.
But one thing the Kings does have is talent, and it’s all about getting the right coach to put that talent together. So yea, we are going through our problems, and we have complained endlessly about the need to be more stable, and to get rid of Corbin. But no outside person has the right to call our team “pathetic,” and think they can get away with it.
No way Jose!
As usual, Kings fans on Twitter took Mr. Rosenthal to task, and rightfully so. To demand that DeMarcus Cousins should demand a trade is preposterous. He shouldn’t demand a trade, he should demand better help.
You can feel sad watching Kobe Bryant jack up brick-after-brick for a horrific Lakers team, but poke fun at a team that, throughout their recent struggles, is still only five and a half games out of a playoff spot? Come on man!
The Kings may be a confusing bunch to figure out, but this franchise is not pathetic, and if you are looking for a truly pathetic team, take a look at the team that is currently representing Cleveland.
Now that’s pathetic.