Rapper Rick Ross Is A Sacramento Kings Fan?

When you think of Rick Ross, you don’t exactly think of the Sacramento Kings but the Miami based rapper appears to have a soft spot in his heart for the purple and black.

An avid Miami Heat fan (pre-Lebron days) and NBA fan in general, the Bawse himself tweeted tonight about his Kings, perplexing many given the oddity of a Florida based rapper repping the small market Kings, who just happen to be 3,000 miles away from his home base (crap, was base a bad word to use given we’re talking about Ross?):

"Both my teams played tonight @SacramentoKings@MiamiHEAT#BOSS"

Ross has been spotted a handful of times in Miami when the Kings have come to town, but where his love for Sacramento came from is unknown – though his friendship with Tyreke Evans undoubtedly plays some role in it.

Maybe he’ll buy us a new arena with all hustlin’ money.
