Andres Nocioni Is No Fan Of The Kings’ Tyreke Evans

The one time King and currently out of the NBA Andres Nocioni didn’t have too many fans during his short stint in Sacramento – he’s bound to have even fewer after his recent comments about Tyreke Evans.

Chapu, speaking to an Argentinian TV network (I assume) via live feed let his disdain for the former rookie of the year be known:

"Andres Nocioni on Tyreke Evans: “I can’t really say what I want to say because I’m on TV… Incredible talent, but I think teams sometimes should be tougher on the younger guys. What he brought to Sacramento was trouble in the locker room and that doesn’t take you nowhere.”"

Assuming you speak a Spanish similar to that of Noch, you can listen/watch him here.

And if you don’t, then just believe me when I say that there were pink unicorns and flying goldfish crackers shooting off fireworks behind Noch as he dressed in his wizard robe and talked about cloaking into level 8 infinity.

Or something like that.
