David Kahn Calls Chris Webber A “Schmuck”

According to the Star Tribune

"On being something of a youtube sensation for a contentious NBA TV interview with Chris Webber from NBA Summer League last week: “He’s kind of a schmuck, isn’t he? Methinks that he spent a lot of time on NBA TV with a former Timberwolves person and he seemed to come into the interview with an agenda. Tough questions are fine, but I felt like was a little defensive about some of the  things.”Via AlexKennedy"

I’m not even sure where to go with this. I’m really not. A schmuck? Really?

I don’t know about you, but, I pretty much picture David Kahn running around his house wielding a light saber (without batteries, of course), shirtless in his Care Bear under-roo’s, making zoooooooooorm noises as he attempts to annihilate the arm on his chair that he dressed up as a Storm Trooper. That of course after he spent about 15 minutes making failed trades on NBA 2k10 and then asking his magic 8-ball if Wesley Johnson is a better small forward than Larry Bird.

The most ironic thing about this is how much he slobbed Christ Webb’s knob on the NBA TV interview.

The laughing stock of the NBA just continues to pile up ammunition that even North Korea is jealous of.
