Listen, I know there are people that don’t like DeMarcus Cousins. I’m a bit baffled as to why in all honesty. But then again, there are apparently men in this world that don’t like boobs. And when you hear something like that, you really just learn to stop questioning things for the sake of your own sanity. Thankfully, I lost my sanity when I was much younger….so I dwell on stupid things, say like…why people continually shit on DeMarcus.
The amount of crap and backlash I saw on message boards, forums, and blogs after Cousins had his three consecutive poor games in the Vegas summer league was astonishing. It’s like he Delonte West’ed their mother (see what I did there? Bonus points baby…).Sure, nobody wanted to say anything when Cousins was kicking every ass from Vegas to San Antone. You’d look stupid and wrong. But thankfully, you already looked stupid and wrong – crapping on Cousins just didn’t help the matter.
So that brings me to this lovely article from the guys over at FreeDarko, who are, well – dare I say it – the shit. They touch on Cousins, among other NBA players who’ve been deemed psychological demon’s and dipshit’s. Then they bring up valid points on how those particular players dealt with and deal with the backlash along with their inner demons on and off the court. It’s a solid read, as anything is from FD:
"Fast forward to the Vegas league, where Cousins’s debut was awaited almost as eagerly as Wall’s. When he proved even more of a force (granted, Wall had very little to prove), and flashed skills and awareness that had once been mere fluff in the mouths of his biggest supporters, Cousins instantly became the second-biggest star among the rookies. That attitude we heard so much about? Damn right it’s there. But it’s fire, intensity, and the desire to flat-out destroy his opponent, especially other big men. It’s exactly what so many other bigs are lacking, and why they end up a very different kind of bust. Cousins rages because he cares. It’s that simple. To say that his personality can be rough or stubborn at times is to say that he’s a gamer. Attitude on the court, if it’s this kind of edge and determination, is the exact opposite of what off-court attitude will sow.And it’s not like Cousins is lacking in self-awareness, something we can debate all day about Arenas or Beasley. The Timberwolves, of course, tried to throw him off by antagonizing and harassing him, expecting him to crack and show the lunatic no one wanted to draft (including them). Except as soon as Cousins caught on, he disengaged himself and opened scoffed at the tactic. Does this sound like a wayward brat to you?"
You can finish the article here…