News broke earlier today that the Kings were close to sending fan favorite power forward Jon Brockman to the Milwaukee Bucks. Now the news has been confirmed by league sources.
The Kings will acquire power forward Darnell Jackson and a future second round pick in exchange for the Brockness Monster. Many of you are probably wondering, “what the hell…..why do we need Jackson when we already have Brockman?” Well, I’d explain it to you – But I’m just not that fucking smart. Okay, I lied. I am. So put on your huggies, cause here go…
Jackson’s contract is not fully guaranteed for this upcoming season, so he could will be cut coming out of training camp with minimal financial losses. It just appears that the Kings weren’t all that interested in bringing back Brockman at the salary he felt he deserved and decided they’d bring in a future second round pick and another body to take his place on the end of the bench, assuming Jackson makes the team (which is a longshot). Brockman is expected to make about 1.5 million for the Bucks, a price deemed too high to sit on the end of the bench by the Kings, I’m sure.
The real winner in this situation is Jon Brockman, and rightfully so. Brockman will make the money he asked for and get a bit more floor time than he most likely would have in Sacramento.
Brock was a real pro and a favorite of mine during his short stint – so best of luck to you as a Buck, Jon. They’ll love your blue collar game in the land of cheeeeese and barley.
As for the Kings, I’d be pretty shocked if Darnell Jackson made it out of training camp on the Kings active roster. I’d assume know he’ll be waived, the Kings will save some money, and they’ll pick up a future second round pick for their troubles. Or at best for Jackson, he’ll replace Brock as the last big off the bench…simply another body.
All in all – Brockman most likely would have walked as the Kings would not have matched the Bucks offer, so, the Kings come out with a second round pick. Sucks to see Brock go, but, the Kings get a future asset instead of Brock just leaving for nothing. And that’s how you properly manage a professional sports franchise. By not overpaying guys you don’t need (no matter how much you love them) and getting something for nothing.