I'm not really sure why I'm posting much about this, consid..."/>

I'm not really sure why I'm posting much about this, consid..."/>

Chad Ford NBA Draft Update


I’m not really sure why I’m posting much about this, considering it is from Chad Ford.

He pretty much runs through every scenario possible that we fans have long discussed or mentioned, and then gets paid for it. Which obviously makes him smarter than you or I, cause errday he hustlin’ hustlin’ hustlin’ hustlin’.

Here is a chunk of Ford’s detailings:

"The Sacramento Kings had a series of big workouts last week. The team had Greg Monroe in June 6. Cole Aldrich, Daniel Orton, Ekpe Udoh, Hassan Whiteside and Ryan Richards on June 8. And it was topped off on Saturday when Favors and Cousins came in to work out.Monroe worked out by himself and Favors and Cousins didn’t actually become the heavyweight bout we thought it would be. The players didn’t actually play one-on-one against each other per a request from Favors’ agent. Despite the less than ideal workout circumstances, the Kings got a chance to see most of the players they are seriously considering at No. 5.After speaking with a source on Saturday evening, the following seems clear:1. Ideally the Kings would like a big.2. GM Geoff Petrie would prefer a player who, like Tyreke Evans, is capable of making an immediate impact in Sacramento.3. The Kings don’t think Favors will be there at No. 5. If he’s not, it looks like Johnson, Monroe and Cousins are battling it out for the spot.Most likely, Johnson won’t be there at No. 5. As we’ve been reporting since our first mock draft in May, the Wolves are high on Johnson and less so on Cousins.Sources say Petrie has been high on Monroe all year and before the Cousins workout, felt that Monroe was the safer pick. However, Cousins’ size and superior talent have put him seriously in the mix at No. 5.Cousins had a phenomenal workout in Sacramento on Saturday according to multiple sources. He took around 200 shots, all of which the Kings logged, and he hit 78 percent of them — the best clip they’ve had in the 40 players who’ve come into town.Cousins also is getting into better shape. He’s down to 13 percent body fat from the 16.4 percent number he logged in Chicago. He still needs to drop another 10 pounds, but he’s getting there. At this point it looks like the team is split between two players. But now Cousins has two legs up on Monroe. Not only did Cousins have a better season, he also had a better workout.Also don’t be surprised if the Kings end up trading the pick for a veteran who can help the team improve immediately. With young players like Evans, Omri Casspi, Spencer Hawes and Donte Greene already on team, the Kings would like to add some experience."

I’m still having a difficult time really believing the Kings would trade the #5 for anything less than an impact player, assuming Cousins is still on the board when they select. Ford’s really the only “expert” that tends to bring that up continually – which makes me think he’s just covering every corner he can so he can hit you with a “I told you they would draft Cousins/Monroe/Whiteside/Johnson/trade the pick….PRAISE ME YOU PEASANTS. PRAISE ME FOR I AM CHAD FORD!!!!!!!!!!! BASKETBALL INSIDER JESUS!!!! DISMISSED!”